Policies and Procedures

Susquehanna University offers a wide range of programs around the world to suit student interests, fields of study and foreign language preparation. The Global Opportunities (GO) programs fit into several categories: GO Long, GO Short and GO Your Way. There are many GO Short programs led by Susquehanna faculty and staff. They generally last two to four weeks during winter or summer break. GO Long项目是经过批准的学期项目,完全由浩博体育app管理,或与其他学习伙伴密切合作. The vast majority of students choose an approved Susquehanna GO program. However, students may attend other recommended programs or design their own cross-cultural experience during a semester break, GO Your Way, according to the policies described below.

At a minimum, to be eligible, students must be in good academic standing and not be on disciplinary probation. Susquehanna students normally do not study away before they have completed three semesters on campus. Specific programs may have additional requirements. 由浩博体育app管理的学期和短期课程要求学生在接受该课程时签署一份责任声明. By signing, participants agree that their deposit is nonrefundable, and if they withdraw from the program, any Susquehanna financial aid applied to their account will be withdrawn, and they will still be billed for costs that have been incurred for them, such as airfare, program housing, etc. This may result in responsibility for the full cost of the program, regardless of the amount of aid they may have initially been awarded.

在短期项目中获得基于需求的跨文化要求的学生,将会看到浩博体育app下个学期的校外学习资助减少. 在一个学期的项目中获得萨斯奎哈纳助学金的学生将没有资格获得基于需求的助学金来参加随后的短期项目.

Susquehanna University accepts study-away credit for transfer only from programs covered in these policies.

The university reserves the right to change these policies without notice.

Contact Us

Global Programs

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Old Admission Building, first floor

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